Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Current Regulation on The Appointment of Foreign Directors

The promoters of business ventures in Nigeria are free to appoint directors of their choice, either foreign or Nigerian, and the directors may be resident or non-resident. The application to the NIPC must reflect the names of the proposed Nigerian and foreign directors (with an indication of resident and non-resident directors). The Business Permit Certificate consequently issued following such application usually reflects the respective names of the proprietors of the company, as well as the directors representing each proprietor or co-proprietor.

Payments of foreign directors’ fees, are remittable in the same manner as dividends accruing to the foreign company. However, since such fees are taxed at source (5% as a withholding tax), each foreign director’s fees are remittable subject to satisfactory evidence that the taxable amounts on such fees have been paid.

Pioneer Status (Tax Holiday) Advantages to a Company

The Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act, Cap. 179 Laws of Nigeria, 1990, declares a number of industries as pioneer industries. Thus, any company whose products fall within the categorised industries could be conferred with Pioneer Status.

This designation is not necessarily a reflection that a company was pioneer per se in the industry, as several companies within the same pioneer industry classification could qualify for Pioneer Status. Where the activities of a company include the production of pioneer and non-pioneer products, the tax relief available on conferment of Pioneer Status would be restricted to income derived from

pioneer products only. Under the current industrial policy, conferment of Pioneer Status accords a company relief from income tax liability for a period of up to 5 years (tax-holiday status).

Finally, it should be noted that even if a company’s activities and/or products are classified within pioneer industries, the grant of Pioneer Status is not automatic. The criteria for granting Pioneer Status are related and/or based on the following considerations:-

(i) the amount of underlying capital investment in a company (N5 million and above) must be verifiable by physical inspection and supported by a report of the Industrial Inspectorate Division of the Federal Ministry of Industries, before a Pioneer Certificate is granted.

(ii) the socio-economic advantages of a company’s activities to the Nigerian economy as set out in its Feasibility Study is also an important consideration.

Without prejudice to these conditions, NIPC is empowered to confer Pioneer Status and other investment incentives, in any other deserving
circumstance as the Council of NIPC may approve.

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